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Verano en rojo (2023): Verano en rojo movie is a thriller movie. Verano en rojo was released on 08 Sep 2023 in Spain. Verano en rojo is only for 16+ audiences rated for viewers. Verano en rojo is 100 minute long film. Verano en rojo is directed by Belén Macías. Verano en rojo is written by Berna González Harbour, Belén Macías, and Helio Mira. Marta Nieto, Jose Coronado, Luis Callejo, Francesco Carril, Richard Sahagún, Marc Martínez, Zoé Arnao, Ramón Agirre, Javier Godino, Patxi Santamaría, Tomás del Estal, Anartz Zuazua, Itziar Aizpuru, Marta Juániz, Eloi Rubinart, Heren de Lucas, Ione Irazábal, Iñigo Gastesi, Ion Iraizoz, Alejandro Serrano, Pachi Gonzalez, and Julia Fernández played important roles in the movie. IMDb rated the movie 5.2/10 as of 28 June 2024.

Verano en rojo (2023):
Movie Name: Verano en rojo
Released-YeaR: 2023
Verano en rojo is Rated as: Only for 16+ audiences!
Does Verano en rojo movie is Family-Friendly?: Only for 16+ audiences!
Verano en rojo Release Date: 08 Sep 2023
Verano en rojo movie duration / how long is the Verano en rojo movie?: 100 minute
Verano en rojo Genre: Thriller
Verano en rojo Director: Belén Macías
Verano en rojo Writer: Berna González Harbour
Belén Macías
Helio Mira
Verano en rojo Based On: Original!
Verano en rojo Cast:Marta Nieto
Jose Coronado
Luis Callejo
Francesco Carril
Richard Sahagún
Marc Martínez
Zoé Arnao
Ramón Agirre
Javier Godino
Patxi Santamaría
Tomás del Estal
Anartz Zuazua
Itziar Aizpuru
Marta Juániz
Eloi Rubinart
Heren de Lucas
Ione Irazábal
Iñigo Gastesi
Ion Iraizoz
Alejandro Serrano
Pachi Gonzalez
Julia Fernández
Verano en rojo Movie Language: Spanish
Verano en rojo Movie Released Country: Spain
Verano en rojo DVD Release date: Not Applicable!
Verano en rojo Movie Budget: Not Known!
Verano en rojo Movie Box Office Collection Worldwide: Not Known!
Verano en rojo Movie Box Office Verdict: Not Known!

Verano en rojo 2023 Trailer

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Verano en rojo 2023 Review

[We added the video with maximum views on YouTube in the Review Category!]

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Verano en rojo (2023) Story in Short
Madrid, summer of 2010. Commissioner María Ruiz investigates the sinister crime of a young man. With no visible identity and no clues or apparent motive, María will begin an investigation that will become more and more complicated.

Verano en rojo (2023) Ratings:

IMDB5.2/10 as of 28 June 2024 [Verano en rojo IMDB Page!]
MetacriticNot Found!
Rotten TomatoesNot Found!

Verano en rojo Songs Soundtrack Music List:

Song Name and Singer
By Paula Olaz

How to watch Verano en rojo movie online:

PlatformWebsite Links
BookMyShowWatch Now! (Audio: Spanish, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Subtitles: English)

Where To Watch Verano en rojo?

You can watch/rent/buy Verano en rojo on BookMyShow!

Have you seen the Verano en rojo? Then don't forget to share your Verano en rojo movie review and rating out of "5" in the comments below!