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Salt Bridge (2017): Salt Bridge movie is an Drama movie. Salt Bridge released on 04 Jan 2019 in Australia. Salt Bridge is 100 min long film. Salt Bridge is directed by Abhijit Deonath. Salt Bridge is written by Abhijit Deonath, Shvetal Vyas Pare. Rajeev Khandelwal, Chelsie Preston Crayford, Usha Jadhav played the lead main roles in the movie. IMDb rated the movie 8.9/10.

Salt Bridge (2017):
Movie Name: Salt Bridge
Released YeaR: 2017
Can We / I Watch Salt Bridge With Family / Salt Bridge is Rated as: 13+
Salt Bridge Release Date: 04 Jan 2019
Salt Bridge movie duration / how long is the Salt Bridge movie?: 100 min
Salt Bridge Genre: Drama
Salt Bridge Director: Abhijit Deonath
Salt Bridge Writer: Abhijit Deonath, Shvetal Vyas Pare
Salt Bridge Cast:Rajeev Khandelwal, Chelsie Preston Crayford, Usha Jadhav
Salt Bridge Movie Language: Hindi
Salt Bridge Movie Released Country: Australia
Salt Bridge Movie Box Office Collection Worldwide: N/A
Salt Bridge DVD Release date: N/A

Salt Bridge (2017) Trailer

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Salt Bridge (2017) Story in Short
When a family man, in a bid to revive childhood bondage, befriends a married woman from within the migrant society which resists, he must come clean without affecting the relationships.

Salt Bridge (2017) Ratings:

Rotten TomatoesN/A

How to Watch Salt Bridge movie online?

PlatformWebsite Links
vi movies & tvWatch Now! (Audio: Hindi and Subtitles: English)

Where To Watch Salt Bridge?

You can watch/rent/buy Salt Bridge on vi movies & tv!

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